Monday, November 18, 2013

Jamieson is ONE year old already!

How is it possible that a year has already passed since Jamieson joined our family? Saturday the 9th, I spent time reminiscing about the Saturday 1 year previous (pre-labor contractions, already over a week overdue, emotional meltdown, etc...). I also baked some cake and cup cakes (called generically buns here) and we had all of the neighborhood kids and parents who were immune to chicken pox over to sing to Jamie. Was cute!
The living room is quite small..but, all of the kids and adults could still fit!

What are those things on fire? Watson helped me blow them out.

Watson's 2 best friends here: Grace (left) and Rosa (right).
They gave Jamie some cars and a book, respectively - thanks!
Unfortunately, Sunday night Jamie came down with some horrible ears, nose and throat virus. So, his actual birthday on Monday was a bust. Good thing he didn't know it was his bday! Although we was sort of a mess, we still Skyped with Gramma and Grampa so that they could sing to Jamie. A bigger success was the card that they sent him - he is still dancing to it! Click here to see a 30-second video of him dancing with his musical bday card:

The brothers being silly together - with the beautiful blanket Bob and Kath gave Jamieson for his birthday.

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