Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jamieson is very mobile!

Jamie is SOOO close to walking...Here are some pix of him pushing the toddler chair around the kitchen (he uses it like a walker, either on his knees or walking), standing unassisted, doing the stairs all by himself (up and down, up and down), etc... We thought that he'd be walking in mid-Oct, becuase he was so close to it then, but he appears to be a bit of a perfectionist. He doesn't want to let go and do it on his own until he is really ready. So, it is now mid-Nov and he is still SOOOO close. He spends all of his time walking around the walls, furniture, anything he can put a hand on to steady himself, and then he gets upset when he finally has to plop down and crawl. Soon, soon...

2 minute video of Jamie going up and down the stairs: http://youtu.be/60ZLMrxBTrQ

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