Friday, January 24, 2014

Watson at school

Watson's school has finally updated their webpage and now has a page dedicated to each classroom. I don't know how often they will update the page, or whether we will still be able to see the pictures there 1 year from now. So, I copied the text and the pix of Watson here on Jan 25, 2014. This way we will have them for  the long-term. But, here's the link to the original:
Please let me know if you notice any new posts!

Watson is featured quite a few times on the page -- it is nice to see some of what he's up to while at school!


Welcome to Term 2! Primary 2 will be very busy this term - we are looking at Winter & Living Things between now and Easter. We have already had N.I. Water in to visit us and complete an experiment to clean dirty water. This term in Year 2 our topic is toys!  We are learning all about toys from the past and toys from today.  Miss Morrison brought in her mum's old doll house for us to play with during play time.  We have also been playing in the toy shop where Miss Morrison was doing some Christmas shopping!  We have  been painting pictures of our favourite toys during I.C.T.  During numeracy we are learning to sort objects different ways and how to record the information.  Soon we will be learning to tell the time. During term 1, we learned all about ourselves through our topic All about me! We were counting to 20 and adding and subtracting two numbers.  We learnt about shape and money.  During literacy we  learned to write instructions (see some examples of our work below) and wrote about our weekend's and trip to the museum.  During play, we enjoyed painting pictures of ourselves, creating houses and buildings from lego and other construction toys.  We made lots of things at the creative table, and in the role play corner we had a house, a Doctor's surgery where Mr Bell came to visit, and then a cafe where we learned about healthy eating.
N.I. Water Visit 1
Picture 1
Ready for our Nativity play

Picture 9
We made a sentence in the sand

Picture 10
Digging in the sand with trucks

Picture 22
We are so clever in P2

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