Friday, March 14, 2014

Dog poop everywhere!

One of the things we are NOT fond of about Belfast is the amount of dog poop on sidewalks, on lawns in parks, and, well, everywhere! Dog owners seem to think it is no big deal to leave the remains where they are deposited. Yuck! There are signs everywhere, and a country-wide campaign to change this problem (slogan - Your dog? Your job!), but is everywhere!

Jamie is loving walking. And, he LOVES being outside. Last weekend, he and I went for a walk, and it is a bit frustrating because he wants to go into each yard we pass... Well, about a block and a half from our house, he goes into the yard, bends down and picks up a big old soft, messy piece of dog poop! Realizing that it is gross and smelly, he tries to wipe it off his one hand with the other can see how this is going...I had to carry him home screaming (mostly because I cut the walk short) to peel off his clothes and bathe him. YUCK! :)

Random pix!

Two things Jamie really enjoys:
being bounced on your leg (above) and on top of a yoga ball (below).

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