Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Got buffer?

I am just back from a lunchtime run, and am HAPPY. My run was lovely...It is a beautiful sunny day here in Belfast (truth be told, we've had a week straight of each day having at least a couple of hours of blue skies and direct sun - everyone reading this, please touch wood!). There were lots of people out on the tow path - seniors sitting on benches with eyes closed soaking in the sun (mind you, it is only 45 degrees out), babies asleep in prams being pushed by moms, dads, and grandparents, dogs playing in the Lagan, and then of course people out running and biking and walking. Just gorgeous. However, I also observed something that I thought was quite funny. As I turned the corner at the weir to look for seals, instead I saw the grazing cows I've written about previously. Apparently, they were moved again and were happily munching grass right along the Lagan. Buffer? Nah!

Cows are hiding behind the brown fringing reeds, one dark and two light. Weir is in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. It has been snowing. Again. My outdoor excursion was a quick walk around the neighborhood with Rocket. At a balmy 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

    So glad your cows and seals seem to coexist peacefully. :-) So strange to think of them sharing space... I wonder if they've ever encountered each other?
