Friday, July 18, 2014

Oh, around the house the flu does go...

We have had a pretty healthy year this year. Not as many sinus infections here as in Lansing. Jubin never got his seasonal allergies (I sure did!). Jamieson had a very mild case of chicken pox in the fall and then a not-so-mild case of hand, foot, and mouth disease in the spring, and both boys have had a few minor colds, but all-in-all we have been feeling pretty lucky... Until this week. Wow.

Last Thursday at 4am it began with Watson. Vomiting, aches, fever, the works. Terrible. The violent part lasted about 12 hours for the little guy and the rest disappeared Friday sometime with our normal healthy kid back on Saturday. Then, at 4am on Monday, Jamieson's version began - same symptoms, but quicker process. He was happy-go-lucky when he woke up at 4pm on Monday (just 12 hours later) from his nap. Tuesday at 6pm it hit me. Worst bug ever! It seems to have gotten me the worst - the violent part lasted 18 hours for me, I didn't sleep a wink Tues/Wed because I was so achy that I couldn't find a comfortable position, and I was still pretty sick throughout the day Thurs. Just finally starting to eat again as I write this on Friday! Jubin also got sick, about 6 hours after me, but luckily didn't have the vomiting part of it. Good thing, because otherwise I don't know how we would have gotten the kids to their respective childminders on Wed and we certainly couldn't have taken care of them at home!

Yikes. We are thankful for our health and glad to have wonderful childminders. And, Jamieson is thankful that his Mum has started to produce Mama-milk again - he was not a happy camper Wed night!

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