Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Annascaul Area

Our first day, we stayed close to Annascaul and visited three sights recommended by Brid: Minard Castle with its boulder beach, Annascaul Lake , and Inch beach - all really great (map here: We explored the castle a bit, even though technically we were trespassing (whoops, didn't see that sign until the end, really!). It was pretty crumbly and on private property... We set my Mom up with a great view of the castle and sea before we went exploring, and when we returned she was just so happy - all sorts of birds, the different shadows and way the sun was glinting, the sound of the sea... She was in heaven! Just in front of the castle, was a boulder beach - huge, very smooth round and oblong boulders. Dad and Watson explored and played on the beach for a long time while Jubin, Jamie, and I wandered down a path marked by a stone in Gaelic - it brought us to a religious holy well. Interesting! Here's more info about these sites:

These guys sure had some good times at beaches this trip!

The gorgeous, but deadly (not really, but very big and sharp thorns) gorse!
Smells like coconut, strangely.
We followed this sign, unsure of where we would end up. It was some sort of
religious holy well where people had left offerings (below).

The boys...

Next up, we drove to Lake Annascaul - the way there was on very small roads past farms and lots of sheep. We passed just a couple of cars. The lake was beautiful, perched in among mountains. We sat and took in the view for a while, glad that Brid had suggested a visit, knowing we would never have seen it otherwise (doesn't make the tour books.). 

Yep, that's the "road" we were driving on to the left.

Finally, we closed out the day at Inch Beach - we had driven by this beach the day before (on our way to our holiday let) and commented on the spit of land jutting out into the water, covered with amazing dunes.

The beach there allows cars to park and drive on the beach itself, so we parked facing the sea, allowing my Mum a view of the waves, surfers (yep, lots of them), and birds. There was a beach-side pub/cafe, so we walked up and got snacks and drinks, taking in the sights and sun. Watson made quite a game of sliding on the dune next to the pub (that one wasn't in the conservation area!) while we ate and drank. I think I even have a video of him somewhere...

Back near the van, Jamie borrowed a truck to play on/with from another family  (he cried when we finally said it was time to go!), and Dad and Watson went off exploring the beach. So great! Watson really enjoys beaches, and later said that this place was one of his favorites. It was definitely one of mine!

Jubin would stop and talk to every camper owner we ran into -
I would say that we have a caravan vacation in our future... 
Don't make me leave it behind, Mum!!!
Later, when we were back home in Belfast, we found out that our neighbor, Jane (Nora and Robby's Mum) is from Camp, right near here! She and Alan said that we picked the best time to see Inch Beach because in the summer-time it gets ridiculously busy and full of cars. I can see that...and, am glad we were there in April. 

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