Monday, September 16, 2013

Our lovely hosts

When we started discussing where to spend Kendra's sabbatical year, we said that wanted an international experience but were concerned about the logistics of going somewhere where we didn't already have a personal connection. Immediately, Katherine Webster came to mind - Kendra has worked with her on her Landscape Limnology Research (LLRG) for over a decade. About five years ago, Kath moved to N Ireland, and she now splits her time between Belfast and Dublin, Ireland. Over the course of the following year of logistics, Kath and her husband, Bob Foy (limnologist who grew up in N Ireland) were invaluable in helping with logistics (e.g., connecting us each with a Queen's U host) and providing moral support and advice.

What would we do without Bob and Kath? I cannot even tell you HOW MANY times we have said that sentence since arriving on Aug 1. They helped us find our home, they furnished it with linens, dishes, wall hangings, toys, etc... (the place was "furnished with just the bare minimum in the way of furniture), they were our bank for 3 weeks until we could finally get our own local bank account, they have treated us like royalty when visiting their home, and the list goes on and on and on... Cheers to them! Seriously, amazing people.

The pix below were taken at their lovely home in the countryside about 35 min from Belfast. They have an amazing garden and are surrounded by small farms (hence the cattle and horse shots). Such beautiful views... I've put a map at the bottom showing about where they live as well (I certainly couldn't find my way there on my own!).

Map showing where Bob and Kath live in relation to our place