Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Big Fish

The piece of art in the pic commemorates the return of salmon to the Lagan River that we live right near. Bob Foy (Kath's hubby) and his lab helped restore the River so they could be reintroduced. Unfortunately the salmon aren't doing too well for a variety of reasons including overfishing and inability to get over dams - Bob says that seals camp out near the dams and have a feast. Haven't seen that yet but hope to (the seals really, not necessarily the carnage)! The boys, Kath, and I walked from the farmer's market up to this installation in mid-August. It is actually titled "The Big Fish" and was done by John Kindness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Fish).

1 comment:

  1. Yeppers, I would say "no" to the carnage, too. Nature is incredible. However, I'm not sure I would want to be that impressed. :-P

    Thanks to Bob, his lab (dog?) and his team for restoring the river. I'm sure the seals would say thank you for luncheon if they could.

    This artwork is absolutely incredible! Great pic!
