Thursday, September 12, 2013

Running with the bulls!

Only in Belfast...
This morning, after dropping Jamie off with Avril (his childminder - that's what they call day care providers here), I went for a run. I ran from Avril's house through Stranmillis (Belfast neighborhood we live in), into Lagan Meadows, and then home (see map - open the link below, it'll open in a new window). All told, it was just a 25 min run, but it sure was beautiful. Lagan Meadows is a 120-acre nature preserve right in the city. It is super-hilly (coming from the flatlands especially!) and has great walking/running trails with scenic hilltop vistas at one end and the Lagan River at the other. It also is home to a small herd of cattle (18 total) - the middle of the reserve has a series of meadows that the cattle graze during the nicer weather months. Well today, I came around a corner and found myself running with the cattle! The farmers were moving them from one meadow to another for grazing (they do this weekly-ish) and they were being pushed along the running trail! These are massive creatures...I will say that I slowed to a walk and kept to the side. But, it was such a fun experience! There was even a really cute baby... Where else in the world can you run with cattle while within city limits? Probably there are plenty of other places out there like this, but I sure haven't experienced any of them!



  1. Whoa! Do you think you could get a picture of the cattle with the city in the background? Too cool!

  2. Super cool! Have you seen the bison video? If not,

    Watch it til the end! Miss you...

    1. That person's expression is exactly what I would have looked like in that situation! ;)
