Thursday, October 3, 2013

Our first international visitors!

Ok, many of you know that I am not a huge fan of Facebook...and, in fact, the only reason that I went on FB to begin with was because my book club uses it to communicate. However, I have to admit that being abroad has shown me some perks of being on FB. For the last couple of weeks, an old high school friend of mine has been posting really lovely pix of he and his wife in France. Finally, I messaged him asking what he was doing in Europe and telling him that we are in Belfast for the year. His response? They were in Europe because they were going to a wedding in....that's right Belfast! I had completely forgotten that his wife was from Belfast! So, last night, Sean and Victoria Sheehan visited us. We had such a nice visit!!! Here's a couple of pix of us:

Victoria grew up just outside of Belfast, in Hollywood, and her parents now live in Bangor ( Was great to hear her perspective of the city and was really nice to catch up with Sean (especially since I will miss our 20 year David Prouty HS reunion this Fall!). So, cheers to FB!


  1. So, Sean went to David Prouty? And you had reunion in Belfast. Okay, maybe FB isn't the root of all evil. :>)

    What were Victoria' insights?

    1. She had lots of interesting things to say! For example, she talked about how growing up in Belfast, she and her friends all aimed to leave the city and country as soon as they could. However, now, when she returns to visit, she sees how very different everything is and how far the city/country has come. Sean and she even consider moving here now!
