Monday, October 21, 2013

Revisionist history...

I have had many comments from you, my lovely readers, about how it seems like we are having such a great time so far in Belfast. True! However, this sunny perception is in part because I have delayed writing and posting our reflections on the build up to the trip and the first month of our life in Belfast. And, I must admit that writing this blog has made me realize how easy it would be, if I were a historian, for me to gloss over the hard bits - no one wants to write about (and thus remember) or read about the meltdowns, the loneliness, or the colossal failures, right? But, in the interests of us having a real memory "book" for the future and for my readers to really know what we are experiencing, I will strive to be better about representing our real life. In fact, I just went back and added the fact that Watson and Emilia had some sort of short-lived falling out in the post about our trip to England. And, I think that enough time has passed between the summer and now that I can write about the build up to the move and the first month with a little humor. So, over the next couple of weeks, I'll post about the more challenging aspects of the summer. Never fear, we are still very glad that we took this path!

1 comment:

  1. This is very thoughtful and extraordinary. I admire your grit and willingness to organize and succeed.
