Thursday, October 3, 2013

Where we work and learn

Ready for another map? ;)

In this map, the bottom left marker is where Jamie's childminder is, the bottom right is our house (a 15 min adult-pushing-stroller walk between the two), the top right is Watson's school (Watson and one of us bikes to/fro in 5-10 min), and the top left is Queen's University (20 min adult walk or 5 min bus ride). Our offices are actually a block or so to the left (west) of the marker across University on Fitzwilliam St. Here are some pix:

Watson and Jubin biking off to school in the morning

Watson's school - Botanic Primary School. Note the high fences - speaks to Belfast's tumultuous history. Watson's classroom is bright and colorful and has lots of windows, but is about 1/3 of the size of his classroom at ELSS for the same number of children. He has 2 teachers, Miss Morrison and Mrs Butler who have a job share (each do half of each week). The school has a playground in the back, a gym in the front right part of that pic, and a cafeteria in a small separate building just to the right of this one. Watson is doing really well with his school uniform - black or gray pants ("trousers"), red or white polo shirt, and red sweatshirt or sweater ("jumper"). I have warmed to the idea of a uniform - it sort of levels the playing field, so to speak, and makes things quite easy in the morning (no choice really on what to wear!). And, they make them super-inexpensive (about $2 per polo shirt, for example).

Queen's U Library - J and I have both spent a good amount of time working here. It is nice and bright and has a good cafe.

The Queen's U "Castle".

The Queen's U Student Union - the whole family likes it here on the comfy couches! ;)

These 2 buildings make of the School of Geography, Archeology and Paleoecology (where we are being hosted and have our offices). My sponsor at QUB (person who helped me become a QUB Visiting Research Fellow) is Dr Paula Reimer, a renown expert in carbon dating who recently won a Lyell Medal from the Geological Society. You can visit her webpage here: and read about her new carbon dating breakthrough reported by the BBC news on Dec 3, 2013 here:

This is the neighborhood where Jamie's childminder lives (Avril). It is a small, very "posh" cul de sac neighborhood that includes the US Embassy.


  1. Replies
    1. I know...I think that is something that our parents instilled in us. I wonder if the next generation will like maps more or less after the advent of GPS and other mobile mapping apps.

  2. I love the old buildings! such a cute place to live and commute around :)
