Monday, February 10, 2014

FL Part 2 - Homossassa fun!

While in FL, we took a day-trip to Homossassa Springs on to the west coast ( This state park has a spring where you can see wild manatees during the winter, as well as other captive animals (mainly native to FL) and manatees being rehabilitated.

Who doesn't love a manatee? This one is being rehabilitated by the Park. 
It was a bit warm that day, so we only saw a few wild manatees, but the park was really nice and it was good to go exploring a bit. After paying for your ticket, we took a boat ride along Pepper Creek (there is a map on the web page above) to the animal park, saw the animals, and then took the trolley ride back. Here are some pix of the day!

The boat ride to the animal park
Pepper Creek
Self-portrait - notice the Brit-style haircut? :) 

Is it just me or is this guy smiling?

They had feeding stations for the birds that Watson enjoyed!
I don't know what was inspiring them, but the flamingos were doing an amazing concert for us.
They were singing and dancing almost in synchrony - really neat to see and hear. Watson was amazed. 

These cuties were among our favorites of the day. Very playful.

This is where we saw the wild manatees - out in the River.
Walk? No way - I'll RUN!

The trolley ride back to the visitor's center.

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