Wednesday, February 12, 2014

FL wrap up - Misc fun and pix

This post is just about ordinary days in FL - the times we spent together as family, mainly at the house. Below are pix of the activities with captions for posterity.

Jamie's little cage - he certainly likes a challenge!
Watson had a lot of fun with the yoga ball Santa brought him. We shipped it to Lansing, so it'll be
there when we return. This pic also shows the butterfly tattoos from Aunt Korinne, as well as Jamie
sporting his baby legs on the cold, hard tile floors. Notice the boys having fun together?

Just a bit of tablet and computer play going on in FL...above and below!

Cards too - Blink from Aunt Korinne was a hit. Watson also played his first game of Upwords.
And of course, reading...Jamieson LOVES books.
Jamieson really developed his walking while we were in FL.
We got him this walker and we walked all over the place with it!
He also walked with Grandma's cane and he walked
 carrying a variety of random things around the house.

And cuddling, too! Aaaawwwweeee....
We are all so glad that we got to spend time together in FL - thanks for helping to make it happen Mom and Dad!

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