Monday, February 10, 2014

FL Part 3 - Christmas and NYE 2013

We spent Christmas and NY in FL. Christmas was pretty minimalist in terms of decorations and gifts, but Santa brought Watson his yoga ball and water gun and we gave him a day at Magic Kingdom with just Mom and Dad (Jamie stayed home with Gramma and Grampa). Watson spent lots of time making paper airplanes, origami, and snowflakes (kits he received for Christmas), as well as playing on a tablet with Grandma - their favorite was Paint Joy and Kaleidoscope. Kendra gave Jubin season 2 of Borgen and the 4 adults proceeded to watch the entire season between Christmas and Jan 5. For anyone out there who hasn't heard of that show, we highly recommend it! It is a Danish political drama and is really well done (see post about our favorite European tv shows for more info).

Watson's note and snack for Santa
The make-shift FL xmas tree with all of the gifts on Christmas morning
Ok, so the stockings weren't exactly hung near a chimney... 
Opening gifts (above and below)

Watson's Disney snow globe that came with his GC for a day at Magic Kingdom with Mum and Dad
Jamie really LOVES books - so fun!
Watson in his Xmas blanket and both playing with their Xmas music cards from G&G 
Gramma in her scarf from Watson and Jamie
Grampa with his short from Watson and Jamie.
So great that purple is a truly unisex color in the UK!
Santa's note back to Watson!
New Year's Eve was a non-event for us this year, so we are already looking forward to NYE 2014 with our friends in MI. But, we had a nice dinner on New Year's Day with Andy and Terry.

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